Could you use help with medically related cases? Do you have catastrophic injury cases? Do you have critical care cases? Do you have criminal cases involving traumatic injury? Why would a CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist) be able to help you? You need someone trained in critical care to understand these type of cases. Right?

Let me explain why you would be in better hands with a CRNA who is a legal nurse consultant.

  • CRNA’s are highly educated advanced practice nurses. We have a much better understanding of medicine than a Registered Nurse. Although most hospitals have a mix of Anesthesiologists and CRNA’s, it is a little known fact that CRNA’s have the same amount of Anesthesia related knowledge as an Anesthesiologist and can practice on their own.
  • CRNA’s have an in-depth knowledge of physiology, pathophysiology,  and pharmacology. We are able to interpret medical studies and lab work with the same level of understanding as an Anesthesiologist.
  • Another little known fact is that, “Anesthesia is Critical Care at its best!” When a person comes in as a trauma, they spend little time in the Trauma Emergency Room(ER). A trauma patient should be in an emergency room no longer than 20 minutes. After the brief assessment in the trauma ER they are immediately sent to the operating room where Anesthesia begins the critical care resuscitation of these individuals. It is with Anesthesia that they receive  life saving blood transfusions, blood product replacements, have life saving devices and monitors placed, are started on all kinds of intravenous medication drips to support all of their vital systems. They are placed on the appropriate ventilatory equipment. Their volume status is replenished. Then they go to critical care units where the measures undertaken by Anesthesia are continued.
  • We also have a deep knowledge of any age group and patient type. We have to know how to take care of the unborn, newborn, toddler, child, adolescent, adult, the pregnant and the elderly.
  • It is a CRNA that is instituting all of the above mentioned measures. Therefore, we have the best knowledge to assist you with any catastrophic or critical care case.
  • Even during Covid -19 crisis, CRNA’s were deemed to have such a high level of knowledge about critical care medicine that they were elevated to a role of an Intensivist (a doctor who is trained in critical care medicine).

The next time you have a critical care case; think about contacting a CRNA who is trained in medical record review such as a legal nurse consultant. You will understand your medical cases better than you could imagine and we can do it more cost effectively than using physician consultants.

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